Archive for the 'Ruby' Category

What to do when GitHub goes bad

Jul 28 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Software

What to do when GitHub goes bad?

This was originally posted on github, I save a backup here just in case. :)

  • Git build-in server

git daemon –base-path=/Users/libinpan/clone-from-github –export-all

git clone git://…

Note: The default port git uses is 9418. Make sure that your firewall is set up to handle this.

  • GitWeb

git instaweb –httpd=webrick

  • Deploy with Capistrano

set :repository, “git://”

Zemanta Pixie

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Jul 21 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Toronto

RubyFringe, originally uploaded by Leftist.

RubyFringe is over, but the party continues!

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RubyFringe 2008 First Day Summarize

Jul 20 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Toronto

Thanks Pete and Unspace for putting together this great event!
Even we already had a pretty high expectation on RubyFringe, the quality of every sessions are still surprisingly good! I was so impressed and inspired!
Here is my short and sweet version of first day summarize:
Jay Phillips -
I have no time for the college, checkout my sexy Adhearsion.
Dan Grigsby -
Know who are your customers and find ways to reach them.
Tobias Lutke -
Memcached is your good friend, here are my awesome tips.
Yehuda Katz -
Merb is awesome, datamaper is awesome, thor is awesome, johnson is awesome, YARD is awesome.
Luke Francl -
Code coverage is bullsh*t, read some good books, pay someone to use your site and watch them using it.
Nick Sieger -
Let’s enjoy some Jazz!
Obie Fernandez -
Pick your clients, close you deals and I will kick your ass if you only charge less than $150 per hour.
Matt Todd -
Fuck it! Let’s just do it!
Jeremy McAnally -
Your web framework sucks and you know it.
Zed Shaw -
No more Ruby on Rails! Let’s play some fucking awesome music, then peace out!

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RubyFringe is the BEST conference ever, period.

Jul 19 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Toronto

RubyFringe July 19 2008, originally uploaded by Libin Pan.

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Jul 18 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Toronto

RubyFringe, originally uploaded by Libin Pan.

The party is just started!

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Coda 1.5 entering limited private beta

Jul 08 2008 Published by under Apple,English,Mac,OS X,Ruby,TextMate

One of my favorite editor on Mac is Coda, the most important part for me is in their tagline:

Compare with my another favorite editor, TextMate, every time I open it, I will open three more windows at the same time:

  • Terminal for running application
  • Terminal for mysql
  • Browser for view my pages and documents

Coda has all of these and even more:

Text editor + Transmit + CSS editor + Terminal + Books + More = Whoah.

But, on another side, leaking of version control and no powerful bundles as TextMate keep a lot of Ruby developers out of it.

Things may change:

After a lot of work, we’re finally ready to work with some people to test Coda 1.5 — the next major release of Coda — and prepare it for the general public.

To enter Coda 1.5 limited private beta, go to:
If registration is still available, the registration link will be in the upper-right corner of the page. (If there’s no link, we’re full.)

So what’s new in Coda 1.5?

  • Better Search and Replace?
  • Source Control Support (SVN or Git)?
  • Custom Books? Add more Ruby Document in it?
  • Better Support for more than one languages mix together in one file?

Stay tuned. :)

* Unless you want to use more than one window. Which is totally cool.

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Keyboard navigation for TextMate stacktraces

Jun 29 2008 Published by under Apple,English,Mac,OS X,Ruby,TextMate

Keyboard navigation for TextMate stacktraces

Put this script at the end of /Applications/

document.addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
    var key = e.keyCode
    if (key != 63233 && key != 63232) return
    links = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
    for (var i = 1; i < links.length; i++)
        if (links[i].title == 'focused') break
    if (i == links.length) i = 0
    links[i].title = null
    if (key == 63233){
        if (i == (links.length - 1)) i = 1
        else i += 1
    if (key == 63232){
        if (i <= 1) i = links.length - 1
        else i -= 1
    links[i].title = 'focused'

Incredibly useful when I am running my tests!

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Ruby on Rails 2.1 新特性之简体中文版

Jun 24 2008 Published by under Ruby,Software,中文

Thank you so much, Carlos Brando, for creating and sharing this great book – Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new?

Thank you so much, all the Railsers in ChinaOnRails, for the original translation!

Thank you again, Carlos, for creating the beautiful covers for Chinese Version!

Ruby on Rails 2.1 What’s new Chinese Version is on:

Source code is on GitHub:

非常感谢 Carlos Brando 编写并分享他的 Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new? 感谢他还为中文版创建了特制的封面!

非常感谢 ChinaOnRails 的 Railser 们的辛勤翻译工作!这绝对是造福咱们广大 ROR 爱好者的好事情。

偶根据已有的翻译成果,稍作编辑后放到 GitHub 上:

文本和 ChinaOnRails 翻译的结果是基本完全一致的,只是因为使用了和英文版相同的生成器,可以保持和原文一致的分页和代码格式。


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Introducing Chit – the only Cheat Sheet you’ve ever need

Jun 21 2008 Published by under English,Mac,OS X,Ruby

It was yesterday, one news in my GitHub feeds which really has got my attention:

defunkt started watching chit 1 hour ago

Who is defunkt anyway? Chris Wanstrath, the guy who sits behind ErrTheBlog, GitHub, FaceBox, Cheat and lots of other cool stuffs.

So, there has to have something really good in Chit! I took a quick look into it and found Chit is really Awesome!


Chit is a command line cheat sheet utility based on git.

AUTHOR: Robin Lu. Thank you, Robin!


Chit was inspired by ‘cheat’ by Chris Wanstrath. You can use chit to access and manage your cheat sheets easily.

There are several differences between ‘cheat’ and ‘chit’. By using chit, besides the wonderful features of ‘cheat’, you get:

1. Git powered cheat sheet repository. You can specify where you get the sheets and where to share them.
2. Your own private cheat sheets. Everybody has some project related or smoe cheat sheets which are not mean to public. You can also put them into chit
3. Directory support. You can group cheat sheets by directory now.
4. One less letter to type.


rubygems (You already have, don’t you?!), git (sudo gem install git) and hoe (sudo gem install hoe)


sudo gem install robin-chit -s


To get a feeling about chit:

$ chit chit

To get a cheat sheet:

$ chit [cheatsheet]

If it does not exist, a new one will be created and waiting for your editing. Leave it blank and quit the editor if you don’t want to add a new one.

To edit a cheat sheet, use the—edit switch.

$ chit [cheatsheet] –edit

To add a cheat sheet, use the—add switch.

$ chit [cheatsheet] –add

During editing a cheat sheet, empty the content will get the cheat sheet removed.

A prefix ’@’ indicates the cheat sheet is in private mode. A private cheat sheet is kept in another repository.

To get a private cheat sheet:

$ chit @[cheatsheet]

The prefix ’@’ works the same for both—edit and—add.

The cheat sheet can be in a path. For example:

$ chit mysql/select

will get the cheat sheet ‘select’ under mysql.

To show all the cheat sheets:

$ chit [all|sheets]

To show all the private cheat sheets:

$ chit @[all|sheets]

To search cheat sheets begin with ‘name’, use the—search/-s switch

$ chit name -s


Thanks git, shareing cheat sheets has never been such easier.

After the first time running chit, chit will create 2 local git repositories:

  • ~/.chit/main, which will pull out the default cheat sheets repository from
  • ~/.chit/private, which will be empty and wait for you to fill it out all your private goodies

After that, they are all yours. You can use git to do all the fancy things: push to a shared server for your team, push to github repo share with us, pull from some other shared place…


Chit GitHub Repository

Chit GitHub Wiki – Most of this post is copied from here.

chit – 基于git的cheat sheets工具 – Only if you can read Chinese

chit – cheat sheetsnowa forked chit and added custom repository config support – It was wrote in Chinese too.

Cheat + Git = ChitChris Wanstrath @ GitHub


Chit and share your sheets!

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LearnHub & The Mullet Strategy

Jun 11 2008 Published by under English,Ruby,Toronto

John just posted a new article: LearnHub & The Mullet Strategy

I think it is hilarious!

Version 2 of the LearnHub homepage got out the door today, and was covered by TechCrunch: LearnHub Relaunches Its Social Learning Network. With this we’ve crystilized our homepage strategy around everyone’s favorite hairstyle, The Mullet

I first heard the term used in this way in an article about The HuffingtonPost in the New Yorker: Out of Print. The term caught my eye because it was funny, memorable, and accurately describes our project.

read more | digg story

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