Update RubyGems to new Version on Leopard

Apr 03 2008

RubyGems just updated to version 1.1.0. Couple of the major changes are “Index updates are much faster now” and “only updates from a latest index by default”. So, time to update.

As Leopard already has Ruby and RubyGems preinstalled (Thanks, Apple!). So the default update way:

$ sudo gem update –system

will NOT work well.

Here is what you should do on Leopard 10.5.2:

$ sudo gem install rubygems-update
$ sudo update_rubygems


8 responses so far

  1. Works great! Thanks!

  2. Thank you, been bashing my head against the gem update –system method trying to get it to work.

  3. brilliant, thank you! Was searching all over to find a solution for leopard…

  4. [...] por ai, encontrei um post que resolveu meu problema. Basta instalar a gem rubygems-update e então executar [...]

  5. [...] this works on Mac as [...]

  6. thanks!

  7. On Leopard 10.5.6, I executed the following which also got RubyGems to update:

    sudo gem update RubyGems
    sudo gem update –system

    I had executed the first command in my comment before I came to this site, which caused the rubygems-update install command to fail. I hope this helps someone who may have gone the same route I did.

  8. On Leopard 10.5.8 the following error message was displayed for me when executing the above mentioned commands: “requires RubyGems version >= 1.3.1″
    I had success by executing the following:

    sudo gem update rubygems-update
    sudo update_rubygems

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