What to do when GitHub goes bad
What to do when GitHub goes bad?
This was originally posted on github, I save a backup here just in case.
- Git build-in server
git daemon –base-path=/Users/libinpan/clone-from-github –export-all
git clone git://…
Note: The default port git uses is 9418. Make sure that your firewall is set up to handle this.
- GitWeb
git instaweb –httpd=webrick
- Deploy with Capistrano
set :repository, “git://”

RubyFringe, originally uploaded by Leftist.
RubyFringe is over, but the party continues!
RubyFringe 2008 First Day Summarize

I have no time for the college, checkout my sexy Adhearsion.
Know who are your customers and find ways to reach them.
Memcached is your good friend, here are my awesome tips.
Merb is awesome, datamaper is awesome, thor is awesome, johnson is awesome, YARD is awesome.
Code coverage is bullsh*t, read some good books, pay someone to use your site and watch them using it.
Let’s enjoy some Jazz!
Pick your clients, close you deals and I will kick your ass if you only charge less than $150 per hour.
Fuck it! Let’s just do it!
Your web framework sucks and you know it.
No more Ruby on Rails! Let’s play some fucking awesome music, then peace out!
RubyFringe is the BEST conference ever, period.

RubyFringe July 19 2008, originally uploaded by Libin Pan.

RubyFringe, originally uploaded by Libin Pan.
The party is just started!
Keyboard navigation for TextMate stacktraces
Keyboard navigation for TextMate stacktraces
Put this script at the end of /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/script/webpreview.js.
document.addEventListener('keypress', function(e){ var key = e.keyCode if (key != 63233 && key != 63232) return links = document.getElementsByTagName('a') for (var i = 1; i < links.length; i++) if (links[i].title == 'focused') break if (i == links.length) i = 0 links[i].title = null if (key == 63233){ if (i == (links.length - 1)) i = 1 else i += 1 } if (key == 63232){ if (i <= 1) i = links.length - 1 else i -= 1 } links[i].title = 'focused' links[i].focus() })
Incredibly useful when I am running my tests!
Ruby on Rails 2.1 新特性之简体中文版
Thank you so much, Carlos Brando, for creating and sharing this great book – Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new?
Thank you so much, all the Railsers in ChinaOnRails, for the original translation!
Thank you again, Carlos, for creating the beautiful covers for Chinese Version!
Ruby on Rails 2.1 What’s new Chinese Version is on:
Source code is on GitHub:
非常感谢 Carlos Brando 编写并分享他的 Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new? 感谢他还为中文版创建了特制的封面!
非常感谢 ChinaOnRails 的 Railser 们的辛勤翻译工作!这绝对是造福咱们广大 ROR 爱好者的好事情。
偶根据已有的翻译成果,稍作编辑后放到 GitHub 上:
文本和 ChinaOnRails 翻译的结果是基本完全一致的,只是因为使用了和英文版相同的生成器,可以保持和原文一致的分页和代码格式。