Couple of ways to remove the DiggBar out of your way:
- Put this code into the head tag of your site template:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
if (window != top){
// --></script>
- If you are using WordPress, try this plugin:
- And click “Always hide the toolbar” here:

Enjoy your bigger frame!
Nick Marshall is the lead developer on this plugin now. He has done an awesome job to bring it to a new level! And he moderates the plugin forum actively! Please feel free to post your questions or comments there as well.
Thanks Michael Klein for his great work on this plugin. We’ve updated to Version 0.3.1 now.
Some changes:
- Encapsulate the plugin in a class. No global vars needed anymore, faster code! (Michael Klein)
- Better support of capabilities-model (WP 2.6)
- Fixed some html-bugs (missing alt-Tags, etc.)
And, please make sure go to your WordPress Settings->Google Translation admin page to reconfig all the preferences after the updating. Thanks!
Google AJAX Translation is my the first WordPress Plugin, it has been downloaded more than 1700 times until today. And because it is so simple, I haven’t done any major update after the first release.
Couple of days ago, I’ve got an email from Michael Klein from In his email, he attached a updated version of my plugin and show me how it works on his blog:
Mr. Michael Klein has finished a big task on my todo list: Switch between flag icon and text for all these languages.

It’s amazing! This is the beauty of Open Source! We need a new update version now!
Say hello to Google AJAX Translation WordPress Plugin 0.2.0!
What’s new?
- Switch between flag icon and text for all these languages. Thanks Mr. Michael Klein!
- Admin configuration page

- Enable/Disable Posts Translation
- Select which languages you want to support
- More Languages Support, it has 23 languages in total:

* Arabic
* Bulgarian New!
* Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
* Croatian New!
* Czech New!
* Danish New!
* Dutch
* English
* Finnish New!
* French
* German
* Greek
* Hindi New!
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Norwegian New!
* Polish New!
* Portuguese
* Romanian New!
* Russian
* Spanish
* Swedish New!
How to update?
- Download the newest version from WordPress
- Unzip it and you will have everything in the “google-ajax-translation” folder
- Overwrite the exist “google-ajax-translation” folder on your server, it should be in “wp-content/plugins/” directory
- Active it from your admin page
- Do some changes on Google Ajax Translation admin page
Please feel free to comment here if you have any questions, or you still can check if is was already answered on the old post.
And it is on GitHub too!
Please see this page for the new version: Google AJAX Translation 0.2.0
Google just released a new API yesterday: Google AJAX Language API.

AJAX Language API is built on top of Google Translate, it current supports 13 languages and 29 translation pairs. It is new but it is already very powerful. If you want to know more about how to use it on your website, please see Google AJAX Language API Document for more details.
We in Savvica want to use this cool technology in our awesome website: In the middle of doing this today, I was thinking about to enable this feature on my blog too.
So, here we go, the Google AJAX Translation WordPress Plugin is arrived.
Please download from here:
Installation is very simple:
- Download the plugin archive and expand it
- Put the ‘ajaxtranslate.php’ file into your wp-content/plugins/ directory, or put the ‘ajaxtranslation’ folder into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Go to the Plugins page in your WordPress Administration area and click ‘Activate’ for Google AJAX Translation.
- Have fun with your blog readers.
- Please see my blog as an example
Couple things still need to know:
- Google Ajax Translate only allow 500 characters right now (March 2008)
- So this plugin only supports translating the first 500 characters of your blog comments
- In the current version(0.1), I only enable comment translation by default. There are two reasons for this:
- Most of your posts are more than 500 characters, but most of your blog comments aren’t
- Google will translate characters inside of html tags, which will mess your blog for sure
- If you still want to use it with your post too, please comment out line 79 in ajatranslation.php
- This is just an initial release, lots of feature will be added in. Please stay tuned.
If you want to do some changes and glad to share with all of us, please feel free to comment here or send me email @ libin.pan at gmail dot com.
I hope you will like it.
Want to know more?