Time to say Goodbye to QuickSilver?

Jan 12 2009

QuickSilver is our favorite application on the Mac. The great developer of this awesome tool – Nicholas Jitkoff has made it opensource and went to work for google more than a year ago.

Today, the same Nicholas Jitkoff from Google has introduced The Quick Search Box. Which I would believe is a replacement for QuickSilver from now on.

The good things are:

  1. Same awesome developer and more
  2. Still opensource
  3. Google

Go ahead grab it for yourself at: http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/

Some tips:

  • If you have hard time on adding Google Account, please try capitalizing the first letter of your username and domain name, such as ‘Libin.Pan’ and ‘@Gmail.com’

One response so far

25 Years of Mac

Jan 12 2009

25 Years of Mac: From Boxy Beige to Silver Sleek (WIRED MAGAZINE: 17.01)

25 Years of Mac.
Click on the image to see the full-sized timeline of Apple products.

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The First Spammer on GitHub

Jan 12 2009

Really? That’s it? That’s the best thing you can do?

“At least you should create a GitHub page!”, Carsten said.

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Learnhub on ByteClub.TV!

Jan 07 2009

Investigate the latest in global online learning strategies.


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Happy New Year 2009!

Dec 31 2008

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Mac Giving Tree rewards you with free applications

Dec 25 2008

Hope you can see this before it’s gone.

At least you should get 1Passwd for free for today here. It was the first software I’ve bought after I’ve been maced.

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Merry Christmas!

Dec 25 2008

Merry Christmas!
Picture credit: theapplecollection.com

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links for 2008-12-14

Dec 15 2008

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links for 2008-12-11

Dec 12 2008

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links for 2008-11-14

Nov 15 2008

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