Time to say Goodbye to QuickSilver?

Jan 12 2009

QuickSilver is our favorite application on the Mac. The great developer of this awesome tool – Nicholas Jitkoff has made it opensource and went to work for google more than a year ago.

Today, the same Nicholas Jitkoff from Google has introduced The Quick Search Box. Which I would believe is a replacement for QuickSilver from now on.

The good things are:

  1. Same awesome developer and more
  2. Still opensource
  3. Google

Go ahead grab it for yourself at: http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/

Some tips:

  • If you have hard time on adding Google Account, please try capitalizing the first letter of your username and domain name, such as ‘Libin.Pan’ and ‘@Gmail.com’

One response so far

  1. The updated version works much better, but still need a lot of work.

    So go back to QuickSilver for now.

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