links for 2009-07-27

Jul 28 2009

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Less is better, than tail

Jul 27 2009

I’ve been using tail to watch my log files for years:

tail -f log/production.log

It works great all the time, until you want to search for something, then you have to ctrl+c and open the file in less or vi.

Maybe there is a better way? After some googling, I found less is the answer:

less +F log/production.log

less +F works exactly like tail -f, with more:

  • Simply press ctrl+c to switch to editing model, so you can scroll backward and using any more/vi command, such as /pattern to search
  • Press shift+f again to switch back to tail model

Anyway, just run man less to find some more information.

8 responses so far

links for 2009-07-26

Jul 27 2009

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The Internet in One Graphic

Jul 21 2009


The Internet in One Graphic

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links for 2009-07-20

Jul 21 2009

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links for 2009-07-11

Jul 12 2009

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links for 2009-07-08

Jul 09 2009

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Jun 23 2009

If you think you are beaten, you are

If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins

Walter D. Wintle

2 responses so far

Why we need upgrade to iPhone 3G S?

Jun 22 2009

Here are the reasons beside of the awesome 3m camera:

iPhone OS 3.0 Feature iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 3G S
Cut, Copy & Paste
Landscape keyboard
Spotlight search
Parental controls
Shake to shuffle
Voice Memos
Peer-to-peer connectivity1 2
Stereo Bluetooth  
Internet tethering4  
Video recording    
Voice Control    
Nike + iPod    


1. Peer-to-peer connectivity requires compatible applications, which can be downloaded from the App Store when available.
2. The original iPhone does not support using Bluetooth for peer-to-peer connectivity. It can use Wi-Fi and cellular data networks for peer-to-peer connectivity.
3. MMS is not available in all areas; fees may apply. See your carrier for availability.
4. Internet tethering is not currently offered in the United States and some other countries. See your carrier for availability.

2 responses so far

WWDC 2009

Jun 11 2009

I believe you already noticed the twitter updates on the sidebar. Yes, I am attending WWDC 2009 this week. It is a great conference and I believe you’ve already got the news from it too.

Just a day before I came here, I’ve launched a website for this event:

Here’s how it works:

  1. I create a new twitter account @2009wwdc
  2. I use this account to follow all the people who attend this conference, not the one who just talk about this
  3. I’ll follow people who will tweet the important things, especially the kind of people who don’t care NDA that much. :D
  4. Server will automatic pick up who I follow and collect all their tweets and stats
  5. Tweets are searchable on the site
  6. Will archive the site couple of weeks after the conference ends

If you want to know more about WWDC 2009, it is the site you should go.


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