Couple of ways to remove the DiggBar out of your way:
- Put this code into the head tag of your site template:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
if (window != top){
// --></script>
- If you are using WordPress, try this plugin:
- And click “Always hide the toolbar” here:

Enjoy your bigger frame!
Computer monitors are getting bigger and bigger, so do the html pages. People start to add more columns into the layout.
To create a three columns layout, in a very traditional way you can do it in a table, like this:
There are some obvious downside on this:
- Mix data and presentation
- Not browser friendly, try to browser this use a mobile phone? I am not saying iPhone or iPod Touch.
So how to fix it? You can use css with “position: absolute;” or “Float”:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main">
<div id="sideleft">Left column</div>
<div id="sideright">Right column</div>
<div id="content">Content</div>
#wrapper {width: 800px;}
#main {margin-top: 10px;}
#sideleft {float: left; width: 200px; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #dddddd;}
#sideright {float: right; width: 200px; border: 1px solid green; background-color: #99ff99;}
#content {border: 1px solid blue; background-color: #9999ff; margin: 0 20px 0 10px;}
Want to know more?