Just came back from FacebookCamp Toronto 3. It was absolutely another great event again!

As you can see here, there were more than 400 people from Toronto or around area attended this camp. Actually FacebookCamp Toronto is the biggest Facebook Developer Garage in the whole world so far. Pretty amazing!
I’ve uploaded all the photos I’ve taken onto FacebookCamp Event page, please check out them here: http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=9090547740&view=all
Here is the links to the detail pages:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2411884086 (Group)
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=9090547740 (Event)
http://barcamp.org/FacebookCampToronto3 (Agenda and detail wiki page)
The actual agenda was pretty much the same as the wiki one, except Dave’s keynote has been moved after “Facebook vs OpenSocial” as he was stuck in the traffic.
- Intro – update from last FBCT (Roy/Colin/Andrew)
Facebook gets bigger and bigger, Facebook users in Canada get more and more…
- Facebook Pages Case Study ( Andrew Cherwenka, Trapeze Media )
Even a Facebook Page can make a success marketing story too!
- Bebo Facebook Application ( Roy Pereira & Colin Smillie, refresh partners )
First website who has licensed Facebook API. Transferring apps from Facebook to Bebo is not that easy now, but it’s getting better.
“Write once, run anywhere” is not exactly true. Damn!
- ExtremeVP Introduction (Amar Varma)
I am on Facebook and I am using Mac!
“A lot of big things will happen on Facebook Platform, but I don’t tell you now.”
- Website Marketing in Facebook Case Study ( Tim Shore, BlogTO )
Toronto Faves and Toronto Events, don’t miss them if you are in Toronto too.
Jay Goldman – Author of “Facebook Cookbook”. Check out his blog for more detail information on Facebook Beacons.
Demos: 5 minutes each ( 5 Slots, no more, see you next time)
Their status is COOL.
3D Scene on Facebook.
From Facebook President to ePresident.
I debate this will be big.
Serious business conference call for free.
What a wonderful time! See you next camp.