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Today, March 17, 2009.
Apple has released their iPhone OS 3.0 preview, which became a world wide event.
Some highlight:
And, as of today, I officially become a Canadian! Finally!
Today marks the one year anniversary since the launch of Learnhub.com!
It’s been a quite a year as the site has grown whole a lot bigger than what we’ve had 1 year ago. Thanks to all of our users and friends from everybody here in Savvica!
The biggest birthday gift to all the LearnHubers is the brand new redesigned homepage, which created by our the best Carsten and Wesley!
Here is the very first homepage we had a year ago:
Here is the second redesigned homepage we had, which was the same time we were on TechCrunch:
It has been a long run, here is the new one after a year:
It is beautiful! Go ahead to visit Learnhub now.
Palm Pre Developer Network Blog has just posted the slides to the Developing Applications for WebOS webcast.
On Feb 27, 2009, Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop unveils Microsoft Corp.’s vision for the future of business technology.
There full version press release video is available here – Microsoft Business Division Virtual Presskit: Vision.
The best part of this press is the following video (2 minutes long), which presents Microsoft’s vision of Office 2019:
Here is the full version about the “Future Vision Montage”, 5 minutes long:
Here is the PowerPoint file for Stephen Elop’s Keynote.
For the comparison:
Apple’s “Future shock” Knowledge Navigator concept device from 1987:
For the vision montage it self, I am pretty enjoy watching it. And I could always feel that the application is too complicated to develop/use, too much information and too much distraction on the unrealistic giant screen.
I think 10 years is really way too short for Microsoft’s vision coming true. The computers we were using in 1999 are not that big different from what we have now, and how big is the different from Office 95 and Office 2008 again?
Anyway, we should never stop dreaming and hoping!
Want to know more:
Developing Applications for webOS: A Preview
Date: This event took place live on February 25 2009
Presented by: Mitch Allen
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.
In this live, online event, Mitch Allen, Palm’s Software CTO and a member of the Palm webOS™ design team, will recap the material included in the introductory chapter of Palm webOS: Developing Applications in JavaScript Using the Palm Mojo™ Framework, a joint collaboration announced this week by Palm and O’Reilly, and will give you a preview into application development with the Mojo SDK. This is a great opportunity to hear an insider’s perspective on webOS development and get a glimpse into the development environment and toolset for this breakthrough mobile web platform.
More Links:
Another gift: