
Jun 23 2009

If you think you are beaten, you are

If you think you dare not, you don’t,
If you like to win, but you think you can’t
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins

Walter D. Wintle

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Why we need upgrade to iPhone 3G S?

Jun 22 2009

Here are the reasons beside of the awesome 3m camera:

iPhone OS 3.0 Feature iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 3G S
Cut, Copy & Paste
Landscape keyboard
Spotlight search
Parental controls
Shake to shuffle
Voice Memos
Peer-to-peer connectivity1 2
Stereo Bluetooth  
Internet tethering4  
Video recording    
Voice Control    
Nike + iPod    


1. Peer-to-peer connectivity requires compatible applications, which can be downloaded from the App Store when available.
2. The original iPhone does not support using Bluetooth for peer-to-peer connectivity. It can use Wi-Fi and cellular data networks for peer-to-peer connectivity.
3. MMS is not available in all areas; fees may apply. See your carrier for availability.
4. Internet tethering is not currently offered in the United States and some other countries. See your carrier for availability.

2 responses so far

WWDC 2009

Jun 11 2009

I believe you already noticed the twitter updates on the sidebar. Yes, I am attending WWDC 2009 this week. It is a great conference and I believe you’ve already got the news from it too.

Just a day before I came here, I’ve launched a website for this event:

Here’s how it works:

  1. I create a new twitter account @2009wwdc
  2. I use this account to follow all the people who attend this conference, not the one who just talk about this
  3. I’ll follow people who will tweet the important things, especially the kind of people who don’t care NDA that much. :D
  4. Server will automatic pick up who I follow and collect all their tweets and stats
  5. Tweets are searchable on the site
  6. Will archive the site couple of weeks after the conference ends

If you want to know more about WWDC 2009, it is the site you should go.


One response so far

Pre is here, almost!

Jun 04 2009

Have Fun!

The *awesome* Palm Pre first-boot welcome video. I don’t know of any other phone that shows something as pretty as this when you open the box!

2 responses so far

Xbox 360 ”Project Natal”: A New Way To Play

Jun 02 2009

Indeed promising! Even the name “Natal” sounds like “邋遢” in Mandarin.

Compatible with any Xbox 360 system, the “Project Natal” sensor is the world’s first to combine an RGB camera, depth sensor, multi-array microphone and custom processor running proprietary software all in one device. Unlike 2-D cameras and controllers, “Project Natal” tracks your full body movement in 3-D, while responding to commands, directions and even a shift of emotion in your voice.

In addition, unlike other devices, the “Project Natal” sensor is not light-dependent. It can recognize you just by looking at your face, and it doesn’t just react to key words but understands what you’re saying. Call a play in a football game, and players will actually respond.

Want to know more:
Project Natal

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Coda is on sale for three days!

May 27 2009

Coda is one of my favorite Editor/Site Manager/Terminal tools. It has everything I need for the web development.


Anyway, even I get no benefits from promoting them, I still want you to know:

Yes! Coda, Transmit, CandyBar, and Unison are 50% off. It’s never happened before, and it’ll probably never happen again. Serious.

  • Prices are only valid from 12:01 AM PST May 27th to 11:59 PM PST May 29th.
  • Enjoy these apps today and lock in a discount towards any future paid updates.


One response so far

WWDC 2009, I am coming!

Apr 24 2009

Just bought my ticket for WWDC 2009!

WWDC 2009 Count Down

Today is the last day for early bird price (Saving $300). I got it in Canada for CAD $1699. Really not cheap.

Funny story, I thought I can buy it cheaper in US store, but it turns out even worse. The final price will have tax be added onto original price USD $1295, which will be USD $1414 in total. And USD $1414 is about CAD $1728 as of today.

Look forward to it!

WWDC 2009

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iPhone 3G VS Palm Pre

Apr 22 2009

AT&T iPhone 3G vs. Sprint Palm Pre comparison Chart

iPhone vs Palm Pre

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Learnhub Badge

Apr 15 2009

We’ve just launched our the very first badge builder at LearnHub! Go ahead to create your own. It’s as easy as pie.

Learnhub Badge Builder

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Say No to DiggBar

Apr 10 2009

Couple of ways to remove the DiggBar out of your way:

  • Put this code into the head tag of your site template:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
if (window != top){
// --></script>

  • If you are using WordPress, try this plugin:

  • And click “Always hide the toolbar” here:

Always hide the DiggBar

Enjoy your bigger frame!

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