TorCHI January Meeting – Media for the Masses

Jan 31 2008

I just came back from TorCHI monthly meeting, it was a great event again. Really appreciate the great efforts came from the managers of TorCHI and Leonardo Ruppenthal who is the awesome speaker tonight. Too bad I forgot bring my camera. I will catch up next time for sure.

Leonardo Ruppenthal is a senior user experience consultant at Bell Web Solution. He talked about what they are doing in Bell to help users easily access videos. And he inspired a great discussion on the status and predictions of user generated contents and old school TV channels.

About TorCHI:

Toronto Region’s special interest group on Computer-Human Interaction (ToRCHI) is a local chapter of the ACM’s special interest group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). This chapter has members in Toronto, Guelph, Waterloo, Peterborough, and other nearby locations in Ontario. We are psychologists, designers, human factors engineers, computer scientists and computer users who meet to discuss and exchange ideas about human computer interaction and user interface design. We meet at 7:00pm in the second or third week of every month at various locations. The format of our meetings usually consists of refreshment time, presentations by invited guest speakers or discussion groups, followed by question periods, and open discussions.

Anyone who is in Toronto and interested in UX and CHI could/should join this. Next meeting is February 27. It is a tour at IBM’s Global Services lab. Should be cool!

And the ToRCHI Facebook is on:

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MacBreak Weekly 75: MacHeist Replies

Jan 30 2008

MacBreek WeeklyMacBreak Weekly is one of the best podcast which focuses on Apple, Mac and OS X. If you didn’t subscribe it, I strongly recommend you to do so. You can easily find the way on their homepage:

The hosts of this episode are same as usual: Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann, Andy Ihnatko, Scott Bourne, and Alex Lindsay. Two of them are little sick.

The guests are Philip Ryu form MacHeist and Andrew Welch from Ambrosia. It is really interesting to hear talking from these people, who are great developers or people who are behind some big things in Mac World.

Why “MacHeist Replies”? The short story is:

  1. MacHeist recently had a great success on selling $500 software bundle for just $49. The final number is: 43,815 bundles sold and $488,003 raised for charity.
  2. In the last episode, MacBreak Weekly 74, the guest Rich Siegel (from Bare Bones Software, the creater of BBEdit) “dismisses the arguements” related to MacHeist bundle.
  3. In this episode, Philip Ryu and Andrew Welch talked back.

It is amazing to see such a podcast could feature exactly like a old school serious TV shows!

Anyway, subscribe it and you will like it too.

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Jan 30 2008


  • 就事说事
  • 家事、国事、天下事,事事关心。

  • 技术
  • Java,Ruby,数据库。。。

  • 苹果电脑和操作系统
  • 中国
  • 祖国,故乡,生我养我的地方。

  • 多伦多
  • 移居此地近三年了,挺好的。

  • 创业
  • 打工有点累了,烦了。

  • 其他
  • 走着瞧吧。


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Hello world!

Jan 30 2008


OK. Here we go, finally!

This will be my personal weblog site, and I will talk about a lot of things, serious things:

  • Things

Things what I did, what I am doing and what I want to do.

  • Technology

Java, Ruby, Database…

  • Apple and Mac

I love my MacBook, so much.

  • Tools

I have tried 1000+ programs on windows, 2000+ apps on OS X and lots of vary plugins.

  • China

Where I was coming from and where my family are.

  • Toronto

The beautiful city I am living and loving.

  • Startup

Tried and failed, tried again and failed again, still keep trying.

  • More…


How we start? Well, one post at a time.

Why today? Can’t wait until February.

Thanks and see you soon!

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