links for 2008-07-09

Jul 09 2008

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Coda 1.5 entering limited private beta

Jul 08 2008

One of my favorite editor on Mac is Coda, the most important part for me is in their tagline:

Compare with my another favorite editor, TextMate, every time I open it, I will open three more windows at the same time:

  • Terminal for running application
  • Terminal for mysql
  • Browser for view my pages and documents

Coda has all of these and even more:

Text editor + Transmit + CSS editor + Terminal + Books + More = Whoah.

But, on another side, leaking of version control and no powerful bundles as TextMate keep a lot of Ruby developers out of it.

Things may change:

After a lot of work, we’re finally ready to work with some people to test Coda 1.5 — the next major release of Coda — and prepare it for the general public.

To enter Coda 1.5 limited private beta, go to:
If registration is still available, the registration link will be in the upper-right corner of the page. (If there’s no link, we’re full.)

So what’s new in Coda 1.5?

  • Better Search and Replace?
  • Source Control Support (SVN or Git)?
  • Custom Books? Add more Ruby Document in it?
  • Better Support for more than one languages mix together in one file?

Stay tuned. :)

* Unless you want to use more than one window. Which is totally cool.

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Canadian Apple Stores won’t sell iPhone 3G thanks to Rogers

Jul 08 2008

Apple, disgusted with Rogers Wireless for dumping egregious service plans on would-be iPhone 3G buyers, has decided that its Canadian retail stores will have no part in helping the carrier market the new handset to customers. As a result, Canadian Apple Retail stores won’t be selling the new 3G touch-screen phones come Friday.

read more | digg story

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Community practicing on the world’s largest Question Bank

Jul 08 2008

We’ve just launched a new feature on Question Bank.

Over 1,500 members use this innovative social interface to practice for exams, which includes tools to allow members to time themselves, debate solutions and strategy with each other, and to track their improvement over time. The question banks grow daily as members and staff add new questions. As one of the only alternatives to expensive books and courses, LearnHub’s free SAT and GMAT communities are catching on quickly, averaging 50 new members every day since their launch.


Here is one thing makes our question bank so unique:

After you answer the questions, you will not only see the correct answers, but also the comments from other people who have answered the same question! And you can share your thoughts with us too.

Simple, but useful.

Should I say: it’s time for Community Practicing?!

More on news: Launches World’s Largest Free SAT and GMAT Question Banks , PRWeb Introduces Free SAT and GMAT Question Banks, WATBlog

LearnHub launches world’s largest free SAT & GMAT question banks, Chalo Campus Launches World’s Largest Free SAT and GMAT Question Banks, StartupNorth launches SAT & GMAT question banks, MeriNews

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links for 2008-07-08

Jul 08 2008

  • Rails的部署方式的核心问题就在于解决一、Rails本身是非线程安全,二、Ruby的线程性能差这两个问题上。本文列举了十余种常见的Rails部署方案,其中基于Lighttpd 1.5的几种解决方案都从原理上很

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Apple Flips Rogers the Bird A Week Before Cdn iPhone Launch?

Jul 07 2008

“Yesterday, while the American giant slept, the Canadian telecom industry was a-buzz with information, albeit all of it internal and very hush-hush. Here are the juicy tidbits I have managed to glean from my source within Rogers (And I’ll let you draw your own conclusions)…”

read more | digg story

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links for 2008-07-07

Jul 07 2008

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Outsourcing 2.0

Jul 04 2008

Working with web developers in India: why, whom, and how

Outsourcing or not?

Win-win or win-lose?

Be sure to read the comments.

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links for 2008-07-04

Jul 04 2008

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iftop – Find out who is eating your bandwidth

Jul 03 2008

iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface

How to install?

  • Download and install the Universal Binary from here
  • Or if you already have MacPort installed

sudo port install iftop

How to use it?

  • run “ifconfig -l” or “/Applications/Utilities/Network\” to get your network interface id.

  • In my case is ‘en1′, so I just type into Terminal:

sudo iftop -i en1

Tales From The Command Line: Where Has My Bandwidth Gone?

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