Design a iPhone Convert App

Aug 25 2009

This is how TapTapTap designed their iPhone Convert App:

Convert Design Evolution from tap tap tap on Vimeo.

Pretty amazing!

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TextMate Shortcuts Desktop

Aug 23 2009

I’ve been using this TextMate shortcuts Desktop Wallpaper for two years already, it’s really helpful, no matter how long have you used TextMate. And, did we missed anything new about TextMate in the past two or three years? I don’t think so.

Snow Leopard is here already, but we still know nothing about TextMate 2.

Download ↓

TextMate Keyboard Shortcuts Desktop Wallpaper 1280 x 800

TextMate Keyboard Shortcuts Desktop Wallpaper 1920 x 1200

Source: Scott Boms

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links for 2009-08-14

Aug 15 2009

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links for 2009-08-11

Aug 12 2009

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links for 2009-08-05

Aug 06 2009

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links for 2009-08-03

Aug 04 2009

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links for 2009-07-29

Jul 30 2009

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links for 2009-07-28

Jul 29 2009

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links for 2009-07-27

Jul 28 2009

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Less is better, than tail

Jul 27 2009

I’ve been using tail to watch my log files for years:

tail -f log/production.log

It works great all the time, until you want to search for something, then you have to ctrl+c and open the file in less or vi.

Maybe there is a better way? After some googling, I found less is the answer:

less +F log/production.log

less +F works exactly like tail -f, with more:

  • Simply press ctrl+c to switch to editing model, so you can scroll backward and using any more/vi command, such as /pattern to search
  • Press shift+f again to switch back to tail model

Anyway, just run man less to find some more information.

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