links for 2008-09-13
If someone spent 4 hours saving $20…. how much did the actually save?
links for 2008-09-10
After a much needed summer hiatus, the Ruby on Rails Project Night ‘community’ is set to gather again on Friday September 19th at a NEW location: the Rich Media Institute!
the Toronto Ruby on Rails Project Night will be returning on Friday September 19th, 2008 at its new location – The Rich Media Institute in Toronto!
links for 2008-09-08
Today, if you don’t rank in the top 3, searchers will barely notice your listing.
Instant messenger for your social networking site
toksta* is a free instant messenger, which is easy to implement and customize into your social networking site or forum. toksta* IM enables your users to chat via text chat or webcam in real time – without having to switch to programs like Skype, MSN or ICQ!
links for 2008-09-04
Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.
links for 2008-09-03
TwittAd was formed to give Twitter users and advertisers the opportunity to meet for product placement & website promotion on a Twitter user profile. Our goal is to not fill Twitter with ugly & obnoxious advertisements. We give advertisers templates and ideas to help keep the integrity of Twitter background images.
Google Chrome漫画书中文版
Chrome for Windows is already available for downloading at
这里是Google Chrome漫画书的中文版,原文发布于新浪。
Want to know more?
Chrome at LearnHub