Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

links for 2009-07-29

Jul 30 2009 Published by under Uncategorized

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links for 2009-07-28

Jul 29 2009 Published by under Uncategorized

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links for 2009-07-27

Jul 28 2009 Published by under Uncategorized

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CodeWeavers giving away all software Tuesday Oct 28th.

Oct 27 2008 Published by under Uncategorized

Giveaway Triggered in CodeWeaver’s Great American Lame Duck Presidential Challenge; “We take full responsibility for global economic collapse,” says CEO

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Jul 24 2008 Published by under Uncategorized

It works! :D

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Apple Flips Rogers the Bird A Week Before Cdn iPhone Launch?

Jul 07 2008 Published by under Uncategorized

“Yesterday, while the American giant slept, the Canadian telecom industry was a-buzz with information, albeit all of it internal and very hush-hush. Here are the juicy tidbits I have managed to glean from my source within Rogers (And I’ll let you draw your own conclusions)…”

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