So you think your site is fancy, huh? You think you got all the bells and whistles? Well feast your eyes on our new, easily-customizable tool tip! Think of it as the perfect accessory for your site, once you’ve nailed everything else. Our tool tip is based, in part, on Craig Erskine’s qTip. It supports all browsers, is easy to deploy, and is surprisingly light-weight. Best of all: it offers you the opportunity to customize it to work well with any of your projects.
Mloovi is a tool which will translate RSS newsfeeds into 24 languages using Google Translate.
NeverBlock is a Ruby library that allows developers to write non-blocking, concurrent code in a transparent manner. Meaning that you will keep coding in your traditional ways while you get the benefit of non-blocking IO operations.
Welcome to the home of the Generic Syntax Highlighter – GeSHi. GeSHi started as an idea to create a generic syntax highlighter for the phpBB forum system, but has been generalised to this project.
GXP is a templating system used to generate XML/SGML markup (most often HTML).
Git vs. Mercurial: Please Relax
If the key in question is ⌃⎋ (to open the bundle menu), then the problem is caused by Apple’s Remote Desktop application, you can disable ARD in System Preferences → Sharing (called Remote Management in Leopard). The Screen Sharing option in Leopard also steals this key combination.
What makes ZAGG’s exclusive invisibleSHIELD™ so strong, flexible and scratch-proof? Its Nano-Memory technology™.
Are there other Canadian companies that are solutions to one of the 30 ideas? Share them with us!
Smarter Online Flashcards
Faster, free and more elegant
FlashcardDB makes it easy to create, study
and share flashcards online
jQuery.Hotkeys plugin lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination. It takes one line of code to bind/unbind a hot key combination.
In its simplest form, a presenter is an object that wraps up several other objects to display, and manipulate them on the front end. For example, if you have a form that needs to manipulate several models, you’d probably want to wrap them in a presenter.
How GitHub used Getting Real to pick a fight, scratch their own itch, and stay lean
Enable Google Calendar in iCal
Pattern Tap is here to satisfy and encourage the inspiration needs of my interface design peers and peeps. We aspire to be the one stop pattern shop for your next inspiration need.
Hold down the Home button and press the top (on/off) button.
Open Xcode and open the Organizer window (from the Window menu).
create and find color palettes made from images