Scrawlr is a free software for scanning SQL injection vulnerabilities on your web applications.
It is developed by HP Web Security Research Group in coordination with Microsoft Security Response Center.
Keyboard navigation for TextMate stacktraces
Put this script at the end of /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/script/webpreview.js.
document.addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
var key = e.keyCode
if (key != 63233 && key != 63232) return
links = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
for (var i = 1; i < links.length; i++)
if (links[i].title == 'focused') break
if (i == links.length) i = 0
links[i].title = null
if (key == 63233){
if (i == (links.length - 1)) i = 1
else i += 1
if (key == 63232){
if (i <= 1) i = links.length - 1
else i -= 1
links[i].title = 'focused'
Incredibly useful when I am running my tests!
Dragtable is a JavaScript library for making the columns of a table draggable.
It is very easy to use as inserting the dragtable.js in our code and adding the class=”dragtable” to any table is enough.
Formy is a simple-yet-functional CSS framework which enables you to create form layouts without tables, divs or lists.
Awesome Highlighter lets you highlight text on web pages and then gives you a small link to the highlighted page.
Top Ten Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts
1. ⌘ + l = focus address bar
2. ⌘ + d = bookmark current page
3. ⌘ + k = focus google search bar
4. ⌘ + f = find
5. ⌘ + g = find next
6. ⌘ + t = new tab
7. ⌘ + w = close current tab
8. ⌘ + shift + t = reopen accidentally closed tab (Best one ever!)
9. crtl + tab = tab through tabs
10. crtl + shift + tab = tab backwards through tabs
Bonus for Delicious Extension users:
⌘ + Shift + . = pulls delicious page if you have delicious firefox extension installed

Thank you so much, Carlos Brando, for creating and sharing this great book – Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new?
Thank you so much, all the Railsers in ChinaOnRails, for the original translation!
Thank you again, Carlos, for creating the beautiful covers for Chinese Version!
Ruby on Rails 2.1 What’s new Chinese Version is on:
Source code is on GitHub:
非常感谢 Carlos Brando 编写并分享他的 Rails on Rails 2.1 what’s new? 感谢他还为中文版创建了特制的封面!
非常感谢 ChinaOnRails 的 Railser 们的辛勤翻译工作!这绝对是造福咱们广大 ROR 爱好者的好事情。
偶根据已有的翻译成果,稍作编辑后放到 GitHub 上:
文本和 ChinaOnRails 翻译的结果是基本完全一致的,只是因为使用了和英文版相同的生成器,可以保持和原文一致的分页和代码格式。