We all love TextMate, by all means. It is the best friend for Ruby Developers.
After our project upgraded to Rails 2.0+ at LearnHub.com, I noticed that there are some very powerful Ruby Bundle Commands just stopped working. Especially these two:
This is an awesome lovely command in Ruby Bundle, absolutely my favorite! It allows you to run a single unit test out of a whole suite of tests by simply positioning your cursor into the test you’d like to run.
This is another cool command too. It shows a popup window which list all the available rake tasks you have and it will show a pretty HTML result window after you choose from the list.
This thing really bothers me a lot. I could be fine for the second one, as I do have terminal windows open all the time. But I really really miss the first one, as our test files get longer very soon.
I have to make it work!
After couple of hours trying today, I’ve pretty much got the right reason and the simple solution, for now.
The reason is that TextMate includes its own version of builder.rb, which is conflicting with Rails 2.0′ version of builder.rb.
The simple solution:

- Open TextMate Bundlers Editor
- Find Ruby -> Run Focused Unit Test
- Reload Bundlers
That’s it! And apply the same changing method to other commands such as “Run Rake Task” as well.
And just want to point out the alternate solution is:
mv /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/Builder.rb /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/Builder.rb.bak
It’s up to you to choose one of them.
Hope Google can pickup this post quickly so we can save somebody else sometime too.
OpenKM is an multiplatform application for document management based on open technology (JBoss + GWT + Jackrabbit). Thanks to its elegant and intuitive interface, OpenKM transforms complex operations into easy tasks.
The difference between local and global markets is like the difference between the fishbowl and the ocean. To understand and engage successfully requires a shift in perspective.
My Git Work Flow
Toronto, May 10, Sunny, 19°C. A beautiful day after the long long winter.

There is a ZipCar parking spot in front of our building, I’ve been thinking to try them for a while. Finally, I’ve got my zipcard this Monday. So I decided to spend some time with this hot red mini cooper today. It was absolutely an exciting experience and I’ve learned three things:
- ZipCar is a great solution for occasional driving needs. Reliable and convenient access plus a reasonable price could make our life a little easier and more fun. You just reserve it early, drive it safe and return it on time. After that, you could just forget it until you need it again, so you don’t have to deal with those vampire insurance companies here in Ontario.
- Mini Cooper is an awesome car. It is beautiful, smart, powerful and big enough. The one I was driving is pretty much the same as the one in the picture. It has some very nice features such as sunroof. Driving mini is a really enjoyable and comfortable experience. I love this car and I am planing to get one when I really need. Well, maybe. If we could have ZENN electric car here?
- Time is money! (If you return ZipCar late, penalty starts from $50.) Your time is money, every second counts. Even some moments nobody pays you or you don’t pay anybody, they still are. So, if you don’t use it, you lose it, for even.
Wanna give ZipCar a try too?
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