A Javascript Sound API which talks to Flash, effectively mapping most of Flash 8′s native sound capabilities to Javascript. It enables web developers and front-end engineers to programmatically control sound in a cross-browser/platform way
Webistrano is a Web UI for managing Capistrano deployments. It lets you manage projects and their stages like test, production, and staging with different settings. Those stages can then be deployed with Capistrano through Webistrano.
StartupIndex.ca is a free, community-based index of technology startups and investors in Canada.
Make this site more valuable by submitting startups, updates, and corrections.
easyAlbum is an open source image gallery script built with JavaScript.
This image gallery does not have an AJAX interface but it simply presents the images inside list tags with a Lightbox type browser friendly pop-up and navigation support.
Half a year after Leopard has been released, we finally get an official Java SE 6 from Apple today!
Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 1 adds support for Java SE 6

Thanks Apple! Anyway…
As you can see from the description:
This update does not replace the existing installation of J2SE 5.0 or change the default version of Java.
So if you want to make Java SE 6 your default version of Java, there is one thing you need to do:
sudo ln….. OK, no command line this time.
Here is the right way to do:
- Launch /Applications/Utilities/Java/Java\ Preferences.app
- Drag “Java SE 6 (64-bit)” to the top of the “Java Application runtime Setting”
- Save

You could change Java Applet Runtime Version to J2SE 6 too, but please make sure you know you really need it.

A Mongrel-based reverse proxy designed to feed concurrency-disabled Rails Mongrels.
Some Security Concerns While Programming In Ruby
A simple, extensible reporting system built for Rubyists
Stage is a code template generator that utilizes helpers as presenters to reduce ruby code used in views. Of course, contributions are welcome if you like the concept. I would especially like to hear of any code reduction suggestions.
Ruby wrapper over the Wikipedia API
APIFinder is a growing index of various application programming interfaces (APIs). An API provides a set of instructions that you can use to make new software interoperate with existing applications.
Dead Simple Rails Metrics with metric_fu
Idubeeis an online spreadsheet application built with Adobe Flex framework. Currently it’s in alpha stage but it’s already pretty functional application. Please, log in to try it (currently by invitation only)
ActionScript 3 Open-Source PDF Library
wForms is an open-source, unobtrusive javascript library that adds commonly needed behaviors to traditional web forms without the need for any programming skill.
BrainBuster is a logic captcha for Rails. A logic captcha attempts to detect automated responses (i.e., spambots) by asking a simple question such as a word puzzle or math question.
Building a Social Network Site in Rails
Primary design principles:
1. Wear it during sex.
sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com/
Automatically Creating, Loading, and Migrating your Database (with magic!)
JavaScript with a creamy Ruby filling.
ruby wrapper around Mozilla’s Spidermonkey. The project is coming along quite nicely. Ruby objects can be passed in to javascript land, and javascript objects can be passed back in to ruby land.
How to use ActiveRecord fixtures with Namespaced::Models
Registration for CopyCamp 2008 is now open!. Space in the event is very limited so we encourage you to act early so you won’t be disappointed.
So which is right for you, eXtreme Programming (XP) or Scrum?
markItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented.
Timetoast is a great way to share your past, or even your future…
Creating a timeline takes minutes, it’s as simple as can be.
Max OS X application to allow for easy and quick uploading of documents into Google Docs.
Sketch Programming: A Precursor to Test Driven Development
Useful git commands and quirks
Interface with the web services of various shipping carriers. The goal is to abstract the features that are most frequently used into a pleasant and consistent Ruby API. Active Shipping is an extension of Active Merchant.
How to Profile Your Rails Application
Here is a quick tutorial to get up and running in ruby on rails with the Gmail Contacts API.
Translates words or phrases from one language to another, using tranexp website
For small applications, a database can be overkill for storing your data in a consistent and organized manner. Therefore, Stone was built to provide plug-and-play data persistence for any application or framework. It is fast, and it is easy and good.
Top 10 Mistakes when building Flex Applications
Welcome to the Slapp tutorial. The primary goal here is to gently introduce the major components of the Merb micro-framework by building a simple chat wall style application.
7 soon to be released Ruby and Rails books and more in comments
Mychoonz is a mp3 player implemented in AJAX. It allows you to listen and organize your music within your browser, anywhere, anytime, as long as you’ve got an internet connection.
iBegin Share is the 100% open source solution that makes sharing and spreading your content easier than ever, all while giving you complete control.
A collection of six high quality widgets and controls for Web 2.0 applications built using the Prototype JavaScript framework.
With DoStorm you can manage all your exercise while discovering life purpose.
The index ranks Toronto area tech start-ups based on an average of Alexa and Compete traffic rankings.
I just came across a very well made Facebook “viral” phishing attack.
LightForm is a free Ajax/PHP contact form. It combines FormCheck2 for fields validation and NiceForms to style text fields and textareas.
Wondering what stackoverflow.com will be?
Listen to the first stackoverflow podcast with Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood.