links for 2008-03-24
Use attr_protected or we will hack you
MooCrop is an Image Cropping utility using the amazingly powerful mootools javascript framework. Alone it serves no practical purpose but used in conjuction with a server side script becomes a powerful image manipulation tool.
Jon Wiley, User Experience Designer for Google Apps, outlined some of the most important principles for designing interfaces at Google. In his presentation at the WritersUA conference, Jon listed the following guidelines:
Capazoo lays off 60, shops itself
- – Blog – All-Out Code Edit War: What’s the best Web-developer’s Code Editor out there?All-Out Code Edit War:
What’s the best Web-developer’s Code Editor out there? -
Why Lucene isn’t that good
Clicky makes web analytics easy, fun, powerful, and drop dead gorgeous.
Once you go Mac, you never go back