A favicon (short for ‘favorites icon’), are litle icons associated with a particular website or webpage, shown next to the site’s name in the URL bar of most browsers.
Off-site backups have now been added as a standard feature to all hosting accounts. All servers will be backed up nightly to offshore, seperate, secure locations, thus providing additional security to your data.
Google has just released their newest collaboration application. This time is different. Google put four of their exist applications together and named it “Google Apps Team Edition“. And the target market is “groups at work or school“.
Google Docs™ to create and share documents, spreadsheets and presentations
Google Calendar™ to arrange meetings, set schedules, and publish event information
Google Talk™ for instant messaging and free PC-to-PC voice calls
Start Page where users can access their Google Apps services and customized content
Google claims that the purpose of Team Edition is to allow users to “share documents and calendars securely without burdening IT for support,” are more likely to be greeted by raised eyebrows from the IT department.
So, what is our IT department busy doing now? Manage network, Exchange or even Sharepoint?
Base on the M$ recent Quarter Results, Microsoft Business Division (MBD) made $4.8 Billion in total, up 37% than last quarter. Those money is coming from selling office suite and selling, consulting SharePoint. Cmswire said only SharePoint itself made $1 Billion for M$. Big deal, really.
HelloTxt is an aggregate of microblogging services through which the user can insert their messages on all main microblogging services in a simply and simultaneous way.
Acunote is an Agile project management tool. It is built on the innovative lightweight Scrum process and is focused on the day-to-day steps needed to achieve the goal.
This site offers an online demo where you’re welcome to tinker around to get a sense of what the script does, what features it offers and how it works.
Sample / test data is an effective way to test web projects & applications. Other than meaningless data, real names, addresses, zip codes can make the whole testing stage easier.
ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. It’s inspired by Mac OS X modal dialogs.
A modal box (inline popup), used to display remote content loaded using AJAX, web 2.0 style, written for the mootools framework.
It can be used to display some help document, an extra options page, a registration form, etc.
Mapstraction is a library that provides a common API for various javascript mapping APIs to enable switching from one to another as smoothly as possible.
easyb is a behavior driven development framework for the Java platform. By using a specification based Domain Specific Language, easyb aims to enable executable, yet readable documentation.
DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.
ChangeThis is creating a new kind of media. A form of media that uses existing tools (like PDFs, blogs and the web) to challenge the way ideas are created and spread.
Computer monitors are getting bigger and bigger, so do the html pages. People start to add more columns into the layout.
To create a three columns layout, in a very traditional way you can do it in a table, like this:
Jessica Hagy has a very unique blog called Indexed. She posts a picture of her draw on a 3” by 5” index card pretty much everyday. Those pictures are all very simple but inspirational.
SciBarCamp is a gathering of scientists, artists, and technologists for a weekend of talks and discussions. It will take place at Hart House at the University of Toronto on the weekend of March 15-16, with an opening reception on the evening of March 14.
less.ismore.net is the home of open-source Apps and Libraries designed for the lovely Mac OS. The Apps and Libraries are written with the principle of “helping you doing more by disturbing you less” in mind.
DRM sucks, but it’s unavoidable and arguably the future, in the form of ubiquitious consumer devices like the Xbox 360 and iPhone. Nobody likes it. But at the very least understand how it works, because as I found out, DRM ignorance is expensive.
I was hit by a simple question today: write a fizzbuzz in ruby. Pretty fun anyway.
What’s Fizzbuzz?
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.
I started from this:
class Fixnum
I think it was a little overkill and slow the coding speed a lot. Here is the result:
def fizzbuzz
(1..100).each { |item|
puts print_value(item)
def print_value(item)
print_value = ''
print_value += 'Fizz' if item.div_by_3?
print_value += 'Buzz' if item.div_by_5?
print_value.empty? ? item : print_value
class Fixnum
def div_by_3?
self % 3 == 0
def div_by_5?
self % 5 == 0
Here are some simple samples from internet:
One liner:
1.upto(100) { |n| puts n % 3 == 0 ? n % 5 == 0 ? "fizzbuzz" : "buzz" : n % 5 == 0 ? "fizz" : n }
Salesbuilder is a Sales Force Automation application written in Flex and deployed on the AIR runtime. It demonstrates local persistence using the embedded SQLite, data synchronization, native d&d, and other features such as direct chart manipulation.
UMap is the Universal ActionScript 3.0 Mapping API integrated with Google Maps. The scalable component model allows you to create rich maps with interactive data layers. Our flexible API enables developers to build fully-customized solutions.
This HTML text editor brings to the web much of the power of desktop editors like MS Word. It’s lightweight and doesn’t require any kind of installation on the client computer.
Glasnost is an online service that allows you, and your colleagues, clients, partners and suppliers to store and share information, collaborate and communicate in an open and transparent environment.
The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a lightweight slideshow plugin. Its implementation is based on the InnerFade Plugin by Torsten Baldes, the Slideshow Plugin by Matt Oakes, and the jqShuffle Plugin by Benjamin Sterling.