EditorKicker is a pretty utility to invoke your favorite editor and open errored file when CGI script or Rails program cause error.
ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System for easily building and maintaining a dynamic web site. Keep your web site up to date with this easy to use, secure and flexible system.
This site hosts user contributed subtitles that can be used for providing captions for the hearing impaired or translations. Want to help us? Add your own subtitles.
RubyFringe is over, but the party continues!
Thanks Pete and Unspace for putting together this great event!
Even we already had a pretty high expectation on
RubyFringe, the quality of every sessions are still surprisingly good! I was so impressed and inspired!
Here is my short and sweet version of first day summarize:
I have no time for the college, checkout my sexy Adhearsion.
Know who are your customers and find ways to reach them.
Memcached is your good friend, here are my awesome tips.
Merb is awesome, datamaper is awesome, thor is awesome, johnson is awesome, YARD is awesome.
Code coverage is bullsh*t, read some good books, pay someone to use your site and watch them using it.
Let’s enjoy some Jazz!
Pick your clients, close you deals and I will kick your ass if you only charge less than $150 per hour.
Fuck it! Let’s just do it!
Your web framework sucks and you know it.
No more Ruby on Rails! Let’s play some fucking awesome music, then peace out!
The party is just started!
Emastic is a CSS Framework, it’s continuing mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new web spaces, to boldly go where no CSS Framework has gone before.
PostcardViewer is a free, customizable Flash image viewer. The interface is based on the real world metaphor of a set of postcards shuffled onto a surface.
poMMo is an open source maillist manager application for adding a mailing list to your website or to organize stand alone mailings.
poMMo requires PHP & MySQL, offers a very simple web-based setup and it can be ready to use within minutes.
AskPeople is a flexible, self-hosted web tool for managing simple web-based surveys & feedback forms.
Quick regular expression snippet to convert HTML links to Markdown links:
Sexy Forms in Rails
Cookie handling in multi-domain applications in Ruby on Rails
Multilingual page caching in Ruby on Rails
This project plugs Google Gears in Ruby on Rails.
Gears on Rails helps developers to write fully offline functionnal web applications based on Gears without learning a bit of Gears.
No single technique is effective at detecting all defects. We need manual testing, peer reviews, usability testing and developer testing (and that’s just the start) if we want to produce high-quality software.
After a year long waiting, still no iPhone today. Pretty unhappy. Damn you, Rogers!
Anyway, take a minute updated my blog to have a better view on iPhone/iPod Touch.
Welcome to visit http://blog.libinpan.com on your iPhone/iPod Touch!

Want to do it too?
Start from here: http://iwphone.contentrobot.com/